Business Accreditation
“Your Business is Our Business”
Accreditation is a process in which a business presents its competency, authority, or credibility to be formally recognised and promoted. Accreditation provides public notification that an institution or business meets standards of quality established by an accrediting agency.
Accreditation reflects the fact that in achieving recognitionby the accrediting agency, the institution or business is committed to self-study and external review by one’s peers in seeking not only to meet standards but to continuously seek ways in which to enhance the quality of education and training provided. What distinguishes accreditation from certification is the focus upon an organisation’s overall compliance with systems and products standards rather than just technical competence.
Mind Your Business can assist your business to achieve your accreditation goals and put systems in place to ensure that your business is streamlined and continually develops and improves on internal capabilities which will ensure a quality approach to accreditation.
Mind Your Business will provide expertise, independence and simplicity throughout the preparation for any accreditation process, no matter what industry.
Mind Your Business specialises in health care accreditation and has successfully assisted many dental practices achieve accreditation through the development and delivery of business systems and processes that meet and exceed accreditation requirements.
Mind Your Business will tackle the red tape and administration and submit accreditation on your behalf, whilst providing expert training, advice and ongoing support throughout the process.
Contact Mind Your Business to discuss how we can ensure you achieve and exceed your accreditation requirements.